Pin Nailed it!

Friday, October 19, 2012

halloween wreath

In case you couldn't tell, I like wreaths.  I like to change the one on my front door with the seasons.   Its a cheap and easy way to welcome people to your home.  Its almost always a conversation piece.

When I saw a Halloween wreath on Pinterest  I knew I had to try it.  Turns out it was super easy.  I even made a second one for a friend who loved my first one.

Things you need:
                      foam wreath (any size)
                      2-3 black feathered boas, depending on wreath size
                      6 pack of ping pong balls
                      glue gun/sticks

Here is what I started with:

Turns out, feathered boas are really messy.  Who knew?

See the problem here?  Besides the mess, of course.  Yes, you spotted can see the white wreath through the feathers.  Since I didn't have another feathered boa and my black chicken isn't molting right now (just kidding, my chickens are grey)  I grabbed a can of black spray paint.  Every crafter worth her salt has spray paint on hand. much better.  Now I can wrap the boas, using a glue gun to secure the ends.

This alone is pretty cute, but not really Halloween-y enough, so I added the googly eyes.  Did I mention that they are ping pong balls from Target?  (Hint, the dollar store has them for a buck AND you can get them in fluorescent orange.)  So here is the finished wreath adorning my front door:

                                                                Cute, no?!

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