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Friday, September 28, 2012

makin' a wreath...

After the remodel, I had an empty spot on top of my hutch.

We can't have that, now, can we?

See what I mean?  I have this empty wreath holder.  Its embarrassing  really, I mean how could I entertain or let the kids have friends over with an empty wreath holder above the hutch?

Enough was enough.  The remodel had been done since May, so I took the bull by the horns and bought a grapevine wreath.  (It is near the wine bar area, after all.)

 Simple and understated but just full enough with out being too full of leaves.  I know, I know, you're thinking, "Its a freakin' wreath already!"  True, true, but this is important world changing stuff here.

Here's what I did next:  I hot glue gunned down some of the stray vines.  I know, I'm so crazy that way.

Next up, the plastic grapes.  I thought these were actually pretty real looking.  And being from the Central Valley originally  I know my grapes.  Well, not really.  I just eat them.  Never planted 'em, grew 'em or picked 'em.  But I like them and I like wine, so maybe I am some sort of an expert.

 Attaching them wasn't as hard as you might think.  I know you're thinking 'hot glue gun' but NO!!!  Not this time. The grapes were actually a little heavy and had a plasticy finish that made them a bit...slimey. Sort of.  Anyways, I got out the floral wire and tied those bad boys on.  You can't see the wire because its hidden between the grapes.  They are nice and secure and I'm not worried about the glue failing.  It they fell off, it would be a problem because this is going on the top of my hutch and I really don't want to climb up there very often.

See, kinda high up there.  I have to step on a chair, then on the counter above the wine fridge.  Don't tell my husband I did that.  Please.  Thanks.

Now the empty spot is no longer empty and all is right in the world.  Well...almost.
I rearranged my wine bottles around it too:  The One on the far left is Fleetwood wine signed by Mick Fleetwood!  The next bottle is the wine we drank the night we got engaged.  Then there is the novelty box of Carnaroli Rice.  Everyone has one of those, right?

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