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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What to do now?

School starts tomorrow.  I should be happy.  Its not that I'm sad, I just don't know how to feel.  It kind of feels like I got down sized out of a job...or fired.  But of course I didn't.  And of course the school has already told me they'd love to have me back even though I don't have a child there any more.  The thing is, I feel like its time to open a new chapter, start anew.

Let me explain:
The past three (or so) years I put a lot of time in at the elementary school.  Now that my daughter has promoted on to middle school, I'm not sure what to do with my time.  The middle school would love to have volunteers...shelve books.  I barely shelve books at home, why would I drive to the school to do it?  I taught art classes, ran reading groups, helped with writing and grammar, bought art supplies, organized volunteers, put together fundraisers and started new fundraising programs.

Shelving books isn't how I see me best using my time.

Last school year I put in a little over 200 hours.  We'll round it down to an even 200 for simplicity.

So what can I do in 200 hours this school year?

Work out?
Work on my yard?
Extreme coupon?
Get a job?
Get going on this blogging thing and see where it takes me?
Work on my book(s)?  (I'm writing 3 at the moment)

If I divide it among the school days--180-- then its a little over an hour each school day.  Seems do-able.

So many decisions to make.

I better hurry, though, day 1 is tomorrow.

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