Pin Nailed it!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fairy Pots

I've admitted in the past that I'm a Pinterest junkie, so it should come as no surprise to anyone that I try the recipes (some are pretty good), feel empowered to refinish furniture (my hutch turned out quite well, thank you) and I even bought borax because its supposed to get my whites whiter (jury still out on that one...).

But one of my favorite things to find on Pinterest are the little fairy houses, fairy gardens and garden accessories.

So again, no surprise to anyone when I decide to make a fairy pot.  That's what I call them anyways.  I'd like to think that a fairy would be comfortable hanging out there.  Now, I know there really aren't fairies...or are there?!

My daughter and I decided to go to Michael's and find some cool things to add to a pot.  I have to say that I was disappointed with their selection of miniature things.  I was expecting more cute little things.
We also went to Home Depot and got little succulents and ground cover.  They'll grow in and fill spots so I didn't over-plant the pot.  I know that I can also cut and divide the succulents and end up with more plants for other pots.

 Here are the results:

This is the pot I made. Its my pirate fairy pot.  My daughter made the treasure chest sign. I painted little rocks from my side yard with gold spray paint. I found a net at Michael's and added that with some seashells.  The treasure chest was just a little unfinished box from Michael's that I painted.  Next time we go to the beach we'll get a ziploc baggie of sand and fill in so you don't see the dirt.  That should also keep the dirt moist so I don't have to water them as much.

Here is my daughter's beach fairy pot:

Again, she painted the lighthouse and little fence pieces.  We added a few plants and the clear rocks.  Blue rocks would have been ideal, but Michae'ls didn't have them.  Like I said I was disappointed in the selection of things we could use.  We'll add sand to hers, too.  Maybe we'll spray paint the clear rocks blue at some point.

I looked on the Hobby Lobby website and they had some really cute miniature things.  Maybe I'll spend a few bucks and get some things.  Its a fun project to do with your kids!

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