Pin Nailed it!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Giant Sequoias

We've all heard of the Giant Sequoia trees in California.  I didn't know until last weekend how close they were to where I grew up.  A quick 1 1/2 hour drive and there we were in the middle of these amazing trees.

Amazingly tall.
Amazingly beautiful.
Amazingly old.

The paths around them are railed off so you can't actually touch them.  Makes sense to me seeing as how some idiot would probably carve their initials in one of the 2,000 year old trees.

Love this picture:  There is a fallen, hollowed out tree that you can walk through.  You can look out a hole in it and see other trees.  Its beautiful there. And the air...don't get me started on what the air smells like.  I think heaven must smell like that.

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