Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wonderful Wedding!!

We just got back from a magical wedding in Sun Valley, Idaho.  We'd never been there before so we went a few days early to check it out.  We went biking, hiking, horseback riding and white water rafting.  Its absolutely beautiful there, I highly recommend going for a week or more.  Its a quaint town that moves a little slower than most, which is another great reason to go.  It makes you slow down.  Literally.  The speed limit is 25.  You can walk to most shops and restaurants and the people were really nice (even the locals who probably get really annoyed with tourists by the end of the summer!)

The wedding took place in a meadow that was so green it was unreal.  It was perfect.  Not a gopher hole or dead spot to be seen.  If my son had seen it, his feet would have been itching to find a soccer ball.  The weather was perfect.  Sunny and warm, but not blazing hot.

The wedding party (all 20 of them) looked like models and the bride and groom were drop dead gorgeous.  I'm not just saying that because I'm related.  Really, its true!

There were so many little details about the wedding and reception that were cool.

It was folksy in a very sophisticated way.  The chalkboard signs pointing the way to the wedding, reception and bathrooms were a nice touch.

You could order a "Burgle"  from the bartender.  Its a family drink served in a mason jar with a straw.

There were white parasols available for us to use during the ceremony.

I loved was a simple burlap pillow with the date screened on it.  There was another little sitting area with two pillows:  Mr. on one, Mrs. on the other.

How cute is that?

It was a magical day filled with love, family, friends and A LOT of dancing!!

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